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The quick way to compare and buy homeowners insurance

Quickly compare rates from multiple companies. We save customers who bundle an average of $693 per year on auto and home insurance.

The quick way to compare and buy homeowners insurance

Quickly compare rates from multiple companies. We save customers who bundle an average of $693 per year on auto and home insurance.

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Our Companies

We search rates from 16 leading providers to find the best possible quote for you.

Our Companies

We search rates from 16 leading providers to find the best possible quote for you.

See all the companies we represent:

How It Works


Get unbiased advice, in plain english, from our expert licensed agents.


Compare insurance quotes beside each other so you can save money.


Purchase your coverage through SelectQuote and let our team handle the rest.

Our Products

We offer a garage full of property & casualty products. From flood protection to motorcycle insurance, we’ll make sure you’re protected.

Why SelectQuote?

We’ve been in your shoes, wasting countless hours comparing home insurance policies. That’s why in 1985 we started SelectQuote. To help people like you save time. And money.

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“We knew we were paying too much for auto and home, but hated the thought of going through the quoting process. We contacted Selectquote and we now have all the coverage we need and saved over $1000 each year”


“My agent was unbelievably helpful. The call was quick and she found me exactly what I needed”


“SelectQuote made it stress-free when it came to finding homeowners insurance. They helped find the best deal for me, giving me more time to spend with my family.”


“We knew we were paying too much for auto and home, but hated the thought of going through the quoting process. We contacted Selectquote and we now have all the coverage we need and saved over $1000 each year”


“My agent was unbelievably helpful. The call was quick and she found me exactly what I needed”


“SelectQuote made it stress-free when it came to finding homeowners insurance. They helped find the best deal for me, giving me more time to spend with my family.”
